
ajenti-v ubuntu 16.04

Christopher 8 years ago updated by Valéry Kourbanov 8 years ago 4

Hello can not install on ubuntu 16.04.ajenti - v - php - fpm ajenti - v : Depends: php5 - fpm but it is not installable ubuntu 16.04.Das same with php5 - mysql.kann help me ?


If you use PHP7, try :

apt-get install ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm

For more information, see https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti-v/issues/206


I'm using Ajenti with php7 and i works perfectly

apt-get install ajenti-php7.0-fpm # as @Maxime says
apt-cache search ajenti- # let you see other versions


What about ajenti-php7.1-fpm? Will be soon?


Hi, I will help you, for ajenti-v you need core 1.x so for clean server with ubuntu 16.04 you need to do http://support.ajenti.org/topics/1121-installing-on-ubuntu/ after you can do http://support.ajenti.org/topics/1130-installing-ajenti-v-on-debian/