After uninstall and install again, /etc/ajenti folder is empty

Silvestru 8 years ago updated by hanspeterhorstfischerheinzglan 8 years ago 2

Hello there,

I did a small mistake: I had my ajenti installation runnig fine - I forgot my password - changing it from /etc/ajenti/config.json to a new one in plain text didn't work(login error) - I uninstalled ajanti - I manually removed the /etc/ajanti folder - after a new install, I see that folder is empty - no .pem file and no .json file:( I ran all commands using sudo option.

Please give me an ideea as I really love what you did here ... and now I can't reinstall it again.

Thank you

remove ajenti with

apt-get purge ajenti


rm -R /etc/ajenti


rm -R /var/lib/ajenti

Then reinstall!
