Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.



Thorgal il y a 10 ans mis à jour par anonymous il y a 7 ans 16
hello every one,
I have installed ajenti early on my computer
And i have try localhost:8000
nothing appear and nothing work.
i have follow and do this article help
Realy i'm a newbie. If somebody has a tutorial how i can use ajenti on localhost.
Thank you so much

Editing Apache config files doesn't save

Lee Powell il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 3
If I edit the Apache config files under the 'Software' > 'Main configs' settings and click save, the changes do not write to disk. Is this expected behaviour?

Editing them in Notepad saves fine.
It's a bug. Fixed.

Is there a plugin for vsftpd?

Mega Distribution il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 1
Is there a plugin for vsftpd?
Yes, ajenti-v-ftp-vsftpd package. However it's not recommended because some users had problems with it.

Ajenti website missing

Nezirus il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Meenakshi Sundaram il y a 6 ans 4
I've done all steps from the guide but still missing the Website plugin. I don't even have it in "Plugins".
Plugins are installed in "/var/lib/ajenti/plugins"  but they are missing from the main ajenti installation.
Image 54
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I know you don't do 3rd parties but... owncloud

Temple “Cole” Pate il y a 10 ans mis à jour il y a 10 ans 26
I'm trying to setup a owncloud for my school, and even though you don't do 3rd partie help, is there any information you can give me? I try, but inevitably fail. Then again i'm doing the wordpress installation process as well so. 

no public key update ajenti

Sven van Ginkel il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Jeremy Henry il y a 9 ans 3
When I do an Sudo apt-get Update on mine Ubuntu Server I get the following error.
GPG error: http://repo.ajenti.org main Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY BDC3FBAA53029759

Does this means that I can not receive any updates?
How can I fix this error?

 Kind Regards, 

Reinstalling repository key should fix this - see http://support.ajenti.org/topic/349866-installing-on-centosrhel/ - "Add repository key"

ajenti not running

Ewall il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 3
Im unable to start ajenti
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PHP-FPM Socks in wrong DIR

Noah Dolph il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 8
NGINX Conf generates like this...
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/ajenti-v/php-fcgi-denet-php-fcgi-1.sock;

But the sock is spawned in /var/run/php-fcgi-denet-php-fcgi-1.sock

Ajenti fresh install missing a lot of dependencies

onlineth il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Skaag Argonius il y a 8 ans 2
I just did a fresh install Ajenti V on CentOS and when I go to the plugins page I see that a lot of dependencies are missing for some of the plugins. Is there any fast way to install all of these dependencies or will I have to go one by one installing them?
Click on the plugin item to expand it and use the quick install button there.

Memory leak with auto-refresh

alex3138 il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 2

I left my web browser opened all the afternoon on the dashboard with auto-refresh enabled.

When I came back, I lost connection with Ajenti and discovered Ajenti process was eating all the RAM of my server (1,8 GB out of 2 GB). After killing process, I had to reboot server to get everything back.


Fix arrives in 1.2.10