Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


PHP site are blank

InToCraft 10 år siden 0
Im working on a site for my work and for some reason PHP sites wont work.
I get a blank page and i have added the PHP Fastcgi and it is still now working what am i doing wrong ?? 
Under vurdering

Setting up Wordpress in a subdirectory

Gergely Fazekas 10 år siden opdateret af Ragnar Karlsson 9 år siden 3

I'm trying to set up a "testing ground" for websites (I experiment with Wordpress to create demos for prospective clients), and I installed Ajenti V on Debian 7.

I created a website for a blog, and all's going well until I try to install WP. It's supposed to be living at "mydomain/site", which works, but when I click on "create configuration file" it changes the url to "mydomain/wp-admin" and from that point on there is no changing it.

I admit I'm used to working with Apache and nginx is a new thing for me, but I can't figure out what to change so it works the way I want it to work.

I followed the instructions in the KB to set up the site.

Any help appreciated!
Ikke en bug

Ajenti Won't Run After Upgrade

Andrew Hintz 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 4
I'm running Ajenti on Debian 7.4 and am getting this error (when I run ajenti-panel) after upgrading Ajenti and Python by doing apt-get upgrade:

ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/greenlet.so: undefined symbol: _PyTrash_thread_deposit_object

My version of Python is 2.7.3.

Any ideas what may be going on? Everything was running fine before I upgraded the packages.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Agenti & Drupal

usynin 9 år siden 0

I want to improve the performance and move on to the Apache nginx + php-fpm, but http://dru.io/question/595 write that when you install a security vulnerability appeared Ajenti sites:

"Any file from a site can deflate, including any file of any module."

How can I solve this and other problems of security sites on Drupal?
What you need to do for this?

Thank you.

debian installation: wrong permissions for a key file

Oleksandr Pryymak 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 1
Sep  6 11:47:07 9p stunnel: LOG4[5567:3074472144]: Wrong permissions on /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
Sep  6 11:47:07 9p stunnel: LOG5[5567:3074472144]: stunnel 4.29 on i486-pc-linux-gnu with OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
Sep  6 11:47:07 9p stunnel: LOG5[5567:3074472144]: Threading:PTHREAD SSL:ENGINE Sockets:POLL,IPv6 Auth:LIBWRAP
Sep  6 11:47:07 9p stunnel: LOG5[5567:3074472144]: 500 clients allowed
Sep  6 11:47:17 9p stunnel: LOG3[5567:3074472144]: Received signal 2; terminating

Deny access to non exact domain or sub-domain or redirect it propely

Denis Ovtchinnikov 9 år siden opdateret af janxb 9 år siden 1

So I am stuck with a strange issue:
I have a main domain (pointing on IP of my server) OK
I have several sub domains (of the main domain) pointing on other configured ajenti sites OK

Recently I have add another domain to one configured site on ajent and have the following result:
- When I typing this domain -> it works perfectly
- But when I try type the IP of my server in browser -> the last added domain site appears...

I now how to deal with non defined subdomains (thanks to Egene ;) with a configured ajenti wilcard subdomain site (*).
But for the issue below, no ideas...

Thanks for some help

How can I access Mysql to edit some tables?

Napoolion 10 år siden opdateret 10 år siden 4
Hey, sorry for another newbie question.

My Wordpress site redirects to wrong address and I need to change some things in my mysql tables to fix that. But I am not sure how to access MYSQL tables in Ajenti.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
Click MySQL link in the sidebar. If you have a MySQL root password set, you'll be prompted for it.

Web UI crashed/access denied/connection lost errors.

Nick 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 2


I'm trying to get Ajenti to run on my box which is running Arch Linux. I'm using the GIT version, latest master build (99ee18c). After running both 'make run' in the GIT root folder, or after running 'setup.py build; setup.py install; ajenti-panel'. Both ways I end up getting the screenshot below. I've installed all the dependencies listed on http://wiki.ajenti.org/dev/intro.html and I'm using Python 2.7.5.

Is there a 
dependancy or some configuration I'm missing? The console log shows notting, not even a request ;

16.08.2013 11:40 __init__.py:258               DEBUG Loading plugin notepad

16.08.2013 11:40 core.py:117                   INFO  Starting server on (u'', 8000)

16.08.2013 11:40 feedback.py:30                DEBUG Feedback >> ping ({'id': 1})

16.08.2013 11:40 feedback.py:35                DEBUG Feedback << {"status": "error"}

Does anyone have any clue about this? Thanks!

Image 5


How do i make .htaccess files work on ajenti v?

Robin Timman 10 år siden opdateret af erm3nda 9 år siden 2
.htaccess files does not work, looks like they dont loaded.
How can I make them work?
.htaccess files are an ancient solution to URL rewriting problem. Recommended way is to use rewrite rules, both on Apache and NGINX. To convert your .htaccess to NGINX rewrite rules, use e.g. http://winginx.com/en/htaccess

Paste the generated set of rules into Custom Configuration of your website

Support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS / Trisquel 6?

Fabian Rodriguez 12 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 2

Is the latest version of Ajenti compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? Trisquel 6 is based on it, so if this is the case I could also use it with Trisquel.

Kundesupport af UserEcho