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Default website for unknown domain

Kristian Ellebæk Frandsen fa 9 anys updated by Pierre Knudsen fa 9 anys 1

I want to have a default "site" for domains pointing to my webserver that aren't created in Ajenti (lets call it unknown domains - because that is what is actually are - an unknown domain for Ajenti).

Currently it just hooks up with my last added website in Ajenti, and that is not good.

How is that possible?

I have read this thread http://support.ajenti.org/topic/734137-website-by-default-for-the-server-ip-adress/ but this only works when you input my IP-address directly in the browser. I want to do the same for unknown domains in Ajenti.

Thanks in advance!


Иван Удовин fa 11 anys updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) fa 11 anys 0
When I try to connect to ftp server I get this error:
Status:Connecting to
Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Command:USER new-website
Response:331 Please specify the password.
Command:PASS ************************************
Response:500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()
Error:Critical error
Error:Could not connect to server
Fix released

Shortcuts for services management

superjcvd fa 11 anys updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) fa 11 anys 1


I just installed Ajenti and I'de like to say that this is just fabulous !

I was managing my homemade NAS by CLI and it was long and borring :)

Now I can do most of the admin task on this nice web interface.

I have just one question :

Do you think this is possible (even if I need to edit some files) to display only the services I want in the 'manage services' section ?

Let me explain a little more :

I'm interesting in starting or stoping only a few system services that I use occasionaly (for exemple game servers) but in the interface I see all the linux services and this is too much for me:-)


Glad you figured it out :)



InteractMarketing fa 11 anys updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) fa 11 anys 0

Add ability to sort rules


Fixed in 1.x


Create mailbox from Django application

bram2w fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 0
I am currently using ajenti-v to host a Django application and i am using ajent-v-mail for managing my emails. Is it possible to create, delete, change password of a mailbox directly from my Django application?
Not a bug

Exim and Maildir for vmail self-configuration on ajenti-v-mail

Sdlion fa 10 anys updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) fa 10 anys 4
In a clean Centos6 VPS after installing ajenti and the ajenti-v suite I created a new email account through the ajenti interface.
It said it will configure exim and courier automatically.
But at what extend and which kind of setup is using?

After opening the right ports with iptables I tried to connect with Thunderbird but it failed saying it couldn't open the Inbox folder. Later I read that I needed to create the maildir directory for my account. Run it inside /var/vmail/account@domain changed ownership to 8:12 (mail:mail) and voila! It worked and if I telnet inside the server I could send an email to this new account.

But I can't receive emails from the outside.
I read that the smtp port (25) is used for communication between servers and a `netstat -tulpn` showed this.

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 956/sendmail

So I guess the smtp service is only listening to local request. Another test with http://mxtoolbox.com/ revealed that it wouldn't connect through smtp (25 port).

There's a tool to reconfigure exim to set the IP's to bind?
Cleary /etc/exim/exim.conf states "AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT", so I'm wary about messing with it.

Local Interfaces line in /etc/exim/exim.conf
LOCAL_INTERFACES = <; ; ; [::0]:25 ; [::0]:465
Still the only process that is using the smtp port is sendmail... that I suppose is an alias for the exim function. And is listening only on

This is not the only one service that is not properly autoconfigured, I had to edit BIND9 config file to set the correct network IP.

SSL for domain

Jon Vonnieda fa 9 anys 0

I am looking for a how to set up my ssl I just got for my domain in ajenti. I already tried a bunch of things with no luck so far. I have all my files in the /etc/ssl folder


Nginx reverse proxy of ajenti doesn't work when using unix socks

zodiacg fa 9 anys 0
When Ajenti is set to listen on, nginx reverse proxy works well. I added self-signed ssl support in nginx and disabled Ajenti's ssl support.
But when I change Ajenti to work using unix socks like /var/run/ajenti.sock, nginx returns 502 bad gateway.
I checked nginx's error log, and it shows:

upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: X.X.X.X, server: domain.net, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:/var/run/ajenti.sock:/", host: "domain.net"

Any suggestions?

Installing magento on Ajenti using ubuntu 14.04

Vishal Pratap Singh fa 10 anys 0
Hello Folks,

Did anyone tried installing magento using the add website feature ?
I get files downloaded as php when I am trying to do a magento check via info.php.

Not sure if I am missing any important PHP feature to be enabled, while creating a website inside ajenti-v.

Please advise